Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee: A Delicious and Unique Brewing Method

Coffee is more than just a beverage; it’s an experience that ignites our senses and connects us with cultures around the world. Vietnamese pour over coffee, also known as “cà phê đá,” is a traditional brewing method that originated in Vietnam. It offers a unique flavor profile and a delightful brewing process that captivates coffee lovers worldwide.

Vietnamese pour over coffeeWhat is Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee?

Vietnamese pour over coffee is a brewing method that involves a slow extraction process using a phin filter. The phin filter is a small coffee filter chamber placed on top of a cup or mug. This brewing technique allows hot water to gradually drip over the coffee grounds, resulting in a rich and robust cup of coffee.

The History of Vietnamese Coffee

To truly appreciate Vietnamese pour over coffee, understanding its history is essential. Vietnam has a rich coffee heritage that dates back to the late 19th century when French colonists introduced coffee cultivation to the region. Over time, Vietnamese coffee developed its unique characteristics, influenced by both French and local brewing traditions.

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Why Choose Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee?

Vietnamese pour over coffee offers several compelling reasons to give it a try. Firstly, its distinctive brewing process allows for a slow extraction, resulting in a well-balanced and flavorful cup of coffee. Additionally, the use of a phin filter allows the coffee’s natural oils and flavors to shine through, delivering a delightful sensory experience.

Equipment Needed for Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee

To embark on your Vietnamese pour over coffee journey, you’ll need a few essential tools. The main equipment required includes a phin filter, ground coffee beans, hot water, and a cup or mug to catch the brewed coffee. The simplicity of the brewing process makes it accessible to both beginners and seasoned coffee enthusiasts.

Step-by-Step Guide to Making Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee

Let’s dive into the step-by-step process of brewing Vietnamese pour over coffee:

Step 1: Prepare the Phin Filter

  • Rinse the phin filter with hot water to preheat it.
  • Add medium-coarse coffee grounds to the filter.

Step 2: Blooming the Coffee

  • Pour a small amount of hot water into the phin filter to bloom the coffee.
  • Allow it to bloom for 30 seconds to release the flavors.

Step 3: Brewing the Coffee

  • Slowly pour hot water into the phin filter in a circular motion.
  • Allow the water to drip through the coffee grounds into the cup or mug.
  • Repeat the process of pouring water into the phin filter until you have reached your desired coffee strength.
  • The entire brewing process usually takes around 4-5 minutes.

Step 4: Enjoying Your Cup of Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee

  • Once the coffee has finished brewing, remove the phin filter.
  • Take a moment to appreciate the enticing aroma.
  • Savor each sip of the smooth and flavorful Vietnamese pour over coffee.
vietnamese pour over
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Tips for a Perfect Cup of Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee

To elevate your Vietnamese pour over coffee experience, consider the following tips:

  • Use high-quality coffee beans: Opt for freshly roasted beans to ensure the best flavor and aroma.
  • Experiment with coffee-to-water ratio: Adjust the amount of coffee grounds and water to find your preferred strength.
  • Find the ideal grind size: Aim for a medium-coarse grind to achieve the optimal extraction.
  • Control water temperature: Use water heated to around 195-205°F (90-96°C) for optimal brewing.
  • Practice patience: Embrace the slow brewing process and enjoy the anticipation of a great cup of coffee.

Popular Variations of Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee

While the traditional Vietnamese pour over coffee is delightful on its own, there are variations that add an extra touch of flavor and creativity. Here are a few popular options to explore:

  • Vietnamese Iced Coffee: Pour the brewed coffee over a glass filled with ice, and optionally add sweetened condensed milk for a creamy and indulgent treat.
  • Coconut Vietnamese Coffee: Replace some of the water with coconut milk during the brewing process for a tropical twist.
  • Egg Coffee: Incorporate a beaten egg yolk with condensed milk to create a creamy and frothy layer atop your coffee.

The Importance of Beans and Grind Size

The quality of the coffee beans and the grind size greatly influence the taste of your Vietnamese pour over coffee. When selecting beans, consider their origin, freshness, and roast level. Experiment with different beans to discover your preferred flavor profile. As for grind size, a medium-coarse grind allows for optimal extraction, balancing the intensity and smoothness of the coffee.

Pairing Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee with FoodVietnamese pour over coffee food

The versatility of Vietnamese pour over coffee makes it a delightful companion to various dishes. Its bold flavor and balanced acidity complement a range of foods, such as:

  • Vietnamese cuisine: Pair it with traditional Vietnamese dishes like pho, banh mi, or spring rolls to enhance the flavors.
  • Pastries and desserts: Enjoy a cup alongside croissants, custard tarts, or chocolate-based desserts for a delectable combination.
  • Spicy dishes: The richness of Vietnamese pour over coffee can help balance the heat in spicy dishes, providing a pleasant contrast.

Health Benefits of Vietnamese Pour Over Coffee

Coffee, including Vietnamese pour over coffee, offers more than just a caffeine boost. It also provides potential health benefits. Moderate consumption of coffee has been linked to:

  • Increased alertness and focus
  • Improved mood and cognitive function
  • Lower risk of certain diseases, such as Parkinson’s disease and type 2 diabetes
  • Antioxidant properties that contribute to overall well-being

However, individual sensitivities and health conditions may vary, so it’s always advisable to consult with a healthcare professional regarding coffee consumption.

Cleaning and Maintenance of Coffee Equipment

Proper cleaning and maintenance of your coffee equipment ensure the longevity of your brewing tools and the quality of your coffee. After each use, rinse the phin filter thoroughly and let it dry. Periodically, disassemble the filter for a more thorough cleaning. Additionally, clean your grinder, if used, and store your coffee beans in an airtight container away from direct sunlight.


In conclusion, Vietnamese pour over coffee is a captivating brewing method that offers a unique and delightful coffee experience. By using a phin filter and following a few simple steps, you can enjoy a rich and flavorful cup of coffee. The slow extraction process allows the coffee’s true essence to shine through, making each sip a journey of flavors.

So, why not embark on a Vietnamese pour over coffee adventure? Explore the variety of beans, experiment with different variations, and savor the harmonious balance of flavors. Whether you’re a coffee enthusiast or a curious beginner, Vietnamese pour over coffee promises a memorable and enjoyable coffee brewing experience.


  • Is Vietnamese pour over coffee stronger than regular coffee?

    Vietnamese pour over coffee tends to have a bolder flavor profile compared to regular coffee due to its slow extraction process. However, the strength of the coffee can be adjusted by controlling the coffee-to-water ratio. You can make it milder or stronger according to your preference.

  • Can I use any type of coffee beans?

    While there are no strict rules, it is recommended to choose coffee beans with flavors that complement the Vietnamese pour over brewing method. Medium to dark roast beans with chocolatey or nutty notes tend to work well and enhance the overall experience. However, feel free to experiment and find the beans that suit your taste preferences.

  • Do I need special skills or experience to make this drink?

    No, you don’t need special skills or prior experience to make Vietnamese pour over coffee. The brewing process is straightforward and accessible to coffee enthusiasts of all levels. With a little practice, you can master the technique and enjoy a delicious cup of Vietnamese pour over coffee in the comfort of your own home.

  • Can I make it without a phin filter?

    The phin filter is an integral part of the Vietnamese pour over coffee method, and it contributes to the unique characteristics of the brew. While it is recommended to use a phin filter for an authentic experience, you can experiment with other pour over methods if you don’t have one. However, keep in mind that the flavor profile may differ slightly.

  • What is the ideal water temperature for brewing?

    The ideal water temperature for brewing Vietnamese pour over coffee ranges between 195-205°F (90-96°C). This temperature range allows for optimal extraction, ensuring that the flavors are extracted from the coffee grounds effectively. If the water is too hot, it can result in over-extraction and a bitter taste, while water that is too cold may result in under-extraction and a weak flavor.


Vietnamese pour over coffee

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Emily Reynolds

I am an unapologetic coffee aficionado with an insatiable passion for all things java. Pour-overs, French presses, espresso machines—each holds its own thrill, a chance to unlock new levels of taste and aroma. So let the aroma of freshly brewed coffee guide us through the world of flavor and inspiration that is coffee.

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